Logo of the Cretan Olive Oil Competition (courtesy of Metrographics)

Dikti herbs
“Dikti” brand series herbal pack. Design: Aristides Papadakis.
Logo of the Cretan Olive Oil Competition (courtesy of Metrographics)
“Dikti” brand series herbal pack. Design: Aristides Papadakis.
Packaging series of the classic brand Cretan Prince. Redesign of the famous Minoan mural.
A new Cretan honey brand. Logotype, labels, photography.
Series of packages for cereal bars and cookies.
“Kritikos – Latzimas” olive oil packaging line. Design, branding, illustration.
12, Aghiou Fanouriou street, Nea Alikarnassos, Heraklion, Crete, Greece 71601
Tel: +30 2810 242451, +30 2810300730, Fax: +30 2810 284520
Skype: metrographics.gr
Facebook: Metrographics-design.branding.printing
E-mail: mailbox@metrographics.gr
12, Aghiou Fanouriou street, Nea Alikarnassos,
Heraklion, Crete, Greece 71601
Tel: +30 2810 242451, +30 2810300730,
Fax: +30 2810 284520
Skype: metrographics.gr
E-mail: mailbox@metrographics.gr